If this is the problem, put the machine in reverse and try to extract the offending item. If your document has begun to get wrapped around the rollers.One of the most frustrating things that can happen when using a pouch laminator is experiencing the dreaded pouch jam. This will help prevent the device from becoming even more damaged. Don't feed bad - it happens. The easiest way to do so is by using a carrier each and every time you laminate.) If your laminator lacks this capability, call in a technician.Which brings us to our next point: preventing a jam in the first place. When there's no glue on the rollers, your chances of experiencing a pouch jam are drastically reduced. The carrier will prevent adhesive from coating the machine's rollers.
That will save you a lot of time - and frustration. Consult your instruction manual for more information on what you can laminated with your particular device. This often involves purchasing a new laminator.3. These jams can be difficult to deal with and they even have the capability to permanently damage your laminator. If this is your problem, once again, try to remove the document while the machine is in its reverse mode. Your machine isn't meant to deal with those kinds of things and often, the motor isn't tough enough to push the item through. First, stop the machine immediately by either turning it off or unplugging it.